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New video on Youth Exchange "Yes, We Rock", from 11th to 18th October 2014

From 11th to 18th October, 2014 Kinder perspectiev organized, together with FICE Austria a youth exchange in Tribunj, Croatia. The 14 young people were from Albania, Croatia, Austria and the Netherlands, all of whom live in child welfare or have a minimum of 2 years' experience in child welfare. The theme of the week was: Yes, We Rock!, a symbolic way of saying that you must be strong when you are 18 years old in child welfare. At that age you become namely seen as mature and it's expected from you to live on yourself. The week was therefore fully on this subject (leaving care). The goal was to give all young people involved a positive boost: to know more about yourself, your skills and your dreams at the end of the week.

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